Do you judge a falling star ?
Why a falling star is considered a miracle and we ask for wishes but the same isn’t true for human race when they fail?
Thank you for your interest in a role at our company. We have reviewed your experience in regards to the position you were interviewed for but unfortunately we won’t be able to move forward.

We hear these type of lines so many time in our life, that we lose count of it in our daily life. Not just the rejection in our professional life, but personal life, failures in terms of physical, emotional, mental aspects, that we forget to embrace the art of considering failure is not a bane but a motivation to start and try again and bringing miracles to our life.
If you have never failed, you have never lived!
Failure is one of the aspects of human life which we fear of the most. But honestly, the truth is we have failed in the past and we will fail in the future again. Sometimes we just forget that even successful people weren’t a success at one-go, they failed, they got up and tried again. It’s not the luck or the right connections but the years of struggle which make a person what they are, the art of picking themselves up, whenever the doors are slammed on their faces.
“The quickest road to success is to possess an attitude toward failure of ‘no fear’” — Ralph Heath, author of Celebrating Failure: The Power of Taking Risks, Making Mistakes and Thinking Big.

When a star dies, it’s failing itself crumbling into black hole but we perceive it as a miracle, something which becomes more beautiful even after breaking so why can’t we say the same for human race ?
Isn’t falling and learning from our mistakes beautiful? Isn’t tapping our own potential and standing up again boosts us our confidence and makes us humble ? The whole array of success starts with the attitude of taking risks and embracing failures, the interview didn’t work out, its okay ! The relationship didn’t work out, maybe it wasn’t meant to be but it doesn’t mean we will stop putting in efforts and let it be. You have to keep finding ways to make yourself better, the fittest survive.
“If I become complacent and don’t take risks, someone will notice what I am doing and improve upon my efforts over time, and put me out of work. You’ve got to keep finding better ways to run your life, or someone will take what you’ve accomplished, improve upon it, and be very pleased with the results. Keep moving forward or die.” — Ralph Heath

Like most people, we have a bad relationship with failure, I mean who likes it, but the only thing that separates from the people who succeed is the power of failure, success requires getting up, learning from mistakes instead of despairing and giving up, see it as a tool, a power to recognize what can be improved instead of letting the external event of gloom taking over. It’s an opportunity to begin again, but this time more intelligently. Don’t judge, instead grow and help others grow!