Hey, My future self !!
I hope you find it in contentment and peace.
So, I was sitting in front of laptop one day, trying to write the thoughts going through my brain and I thought I will write it to you and so one day when you look back, you should know how easy it was, and how stressed you were.

Life is always gonna be crazy, some day you will be jumping with joy with a piece of code working or someday you would be crying with all the tests failing, someday you will get your heart broken, someday you will go out on epic dates with someone right, someday you will be moving abroad, someday all your plans will fail. So, instead of freaking out and needing an escape, which I feel right now, I would ask you to step outside, feel sunshine and take a deep breath and let all the worries ease off !! Things will happen when the time is right , but don’t put off the efforts and work.
Take a break and think what you were 5 years ago, the dreams, the hopes you had and how close you are. The stress and the depression you had over small things, was it even worth it, the trip you kept on cancelling and rescheduling for work, would it have made you more happy ?
I would want to tell you, that you would be wanting a way out, for the life to matter, simple comparisons of people progressing making you jealous and feeling stuck, but I would suggest just be proud of yourself and let the things come. Play to your strengths and don’t sell yourself short, and its okay to have quarter life crisis, not knowing what we want, or what we deserve, it’s all part of growing up. Apparently aren’t we all, giving directions to people without even trying ourselves ?
Signing off
Your old self ( A little naïve and freaking out on all the small things)