They say, you are always looking for a job, an apartment and a partner.
In this crazy world and a life full of expectations, is it like all we need is a job, an apartment and a partner?
Let’s say you have two out of three and they’re fabulous. Why do we let the thing we don’t have affect how we feel about all the things we do have? Why does one minus a plus one feel like it adds up to zero? Or can we have all the three, without being career - career or keeping men first?
Do we need it all or can we have it all?

I have read various blogs, columns and even from my own personal experience, it’s kind of unusual to have it all, two out of three has always been the major part of my life. There are very few lucky people who have it all, but in most cases its a trade-off, sometimes a little more and other times a little less. Keeping career as priority and struggling with the time management, we often end up with the glamourous car and a Park Avenue apartment overlooking the garden without a love life to cherish, or if we have a great love life, there are many things we sacrifice, since its rightly said ,” Sometimes, love isn’t enough” !!. There has to be “state of talk” and someone to back you up at your low’s, enough to quit your dream job and move.

Some get money to spend, some get love to spend, some get both and mostly none, struggling to do better. But the most important question is why do we let that one thing affect us more ?
By our human nature, we just want more, it can be a little too easy to focus on the negatives; taking stock of all the good stuff helps you appreciate just how much you have going for you. But at the same point , the most exciting, challenging, and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you you love, well, that’s just fabulous but keeping ourselves in backseat isn’t just enough. If we let that sink in, and start looking for new things which we are passionate about, that’s going to be more fabulous.
I also want it all, it’s not that I don’t, but it doesn’t mean , that I feel myself any less lucky if I have 2/3 things in my life, sure we can be lucky as those few people one day but it’s not worth crying over future without understanding the present. And tbh, you never know what life brings up for you.
What do you think ?? You “need” it all or you “can” have it all !!